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Nusa Penida Trip Combination

About Trip

Kombinasi Trip Nusa Penida . Bagi anda yang hanya punya waktu 1 hari untuk pergi ke Nusa Penida , namun ingin menikmati indahnya pemandangan alam  Nusa Penida  , jangan khawatir. Karena, kami telah merancang tour anda dalam 1 hari di Paket Tour Nusa Penida . Walaupun hanya dalam 1 hari, Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena kami telah memilihkan tempat wisata terfavorit di  Nusa Penida .  

Kami menggabungkan Tours Nusa Penida Timur dan Barat dengan permintaan dari begitu banyak pelanggan kami, yang akan kami bawa ke Pulau Nusa Penida yang terbaik.


  • Pantai Kelingking
  • Pantai Rusak
  • Angel Billabong
  • Pantai Berlian
  • Pantai Atuh
  • Rumah Pohon Molenteng
  • Raja Lima/Pulau Seribu


  • Tiket Fastboat Pergi & Pulang
  • Mobil pribadi
  • Pengemudi sebagai Pemandu wisata
  • Makan siang
  • Air mineral
  • Retribusi masuk Nusa Penida
  • Tiket masuk

Harga Domestik :

1 orang Rp 900k Rp 900k
2 orang Rp 600k Rp 1.200k
3 orang Rp 550k Rp 1.650k
4 orang Rp 500k Rp 2.000k
5 orang Rp 450k Rp 2.250k
6 orang Rp 400k Rp 2.400k

Catatan  :

- Anak anak umur 3-10 tahun kena biaya tambahan setengah harga dari paket per orang

- Foreigner (+ IDR 150.000/pax)

Mulai dari pantai sanur pukul 08.00 pagi dan kembali pukul 16.30 dari nusapenida di hari yang sama

Meeting point di Pantai Sanur. Menambahkan IDR 250.000/mobil sekali untuk antar jemput di area Kuta/Seminyak.

Detail Trip

Pantai Kelingking adalah pantai yang indah, unik dan Instagramable yang terletak di Nusa Penida, kabupaten Klungkung. Tepatnya di Desa Bunga Mekar, Kecamatan Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali.

Tebing ini terletak di sisi barat daya pulau, dekat Pantai Kelingking. Dan seringkali wisatawan mengunjungi tebing ini sebagai one go destination bersama dengan pantai Kelingking. Inilah yang diharapkan ketika datang ke tebing ini Dengan lokasi tebing ini di barat daya, membuat tempat ini sempurna untuk melihat matahari terbenam. Banyak orang yang sengaja mendaki tebing hanya untuk alasan ini. Dan juga, walaupun tempat ini sudah mulai ramai dikunjungi, namun belum terlalu ramai dengan turis.

This tourist spot of Angel Billabong Beach is adjacent to broken beach Angel Billabong is tourism site about Nature Rock Lagoon created by nature and located beside the angel's beach. Also the Angel billabong beach known as Natural Infinity Pool at Nusa Penida Islands

The uniqueness of the Angel Billabong Beach tourist attraction is located in a puddle where tourists can jump to swim in the pool. But if the water is very high, it is strictly forbidden to go down to the pool, because it is too dangerous. If the water recedes you can swim in this place while seeing a very impressive sight. As for the shore, it looks like an infinity pool, which on the edge faces the sea, it looks as if we are swimming in the sea. A very memorable experience to visit Angel Billabong Beach in Nusa Penida.

Diamond Beach is a beach that has just been introduced and immediately attracts the attention of foreign and domestic tourists, where the beach is no less attractive than other beaches in Nusa Penida, with white sand and clear water making this beach frequented by tourists who visit. to Bali. eastern area. from Nusa Penida. In addition to white sand and clear water, the scenery around Intan Beach is also beautiful where the beach is surrounded by coral cliffs. Local people call this beach as diamond beach because in the middle of the beach there are rocks which if seen in the form of diamonds, the surrounding community calls this beach with the name diamond beach. To get to this beach you need to walk through the stairs that have been provided on this beach, it takes good stamina to go back through the stairs.

Atuh Beach is a beach located in the eastern area of ​​Nusa Penida which is a new tourist spot that is very popular in Nusa Penida because this beach offers natural beauty with clear water and the atmosphere of the beach that surrounds the cliffs adds to the beauty. . Beach. Atuh Beach is very suitable for swimming with white sand which makes the swimming atmosphere more beautiful. To reach the beach location or can also go down the stairs that have been provided, it takes good stamina to be able to walk down the road to the beach. No wonder this beach is very popular among domestic and foreign tourists because this beach is suitable for those who want to enjoy a quiet beach atmosphere, not crowded and the scenery around the beach is beautiful.

Molenteng Tree House is a small wooden house located on a rock cliff with beach views, this tourist spot is very famous in the east because it offers beautiful beach views from a tree house, from this place you can see beach views. stretch of beach from above and see the waves crashing against the rocks and causing a very beautiful splash of water. No wonder this place is very popular with foreign and domestic tourists because it offers a different sensation. The location of the Molenteng tree house is not far from the location of the diamond beach which is often visited by tourists after visiting the diamond beach. this place is perfect as a background for photography, our drivers will always help you if you need help taking photos with the camera

Sebelum Anda tiba di Raja Lima, Anda harus melewati Kepulauan Seribu terlebih dahulu. Bedanya hanya satu, yaitu di tempat Raja Lima terdapat patung, sedangkan di Pulau Seribu tidak ada. Untuk mencapai lokasi ini, Anda harus trekking melalui jalan yang terjal dan berbatu. Bagi anda yang belum terbiasa trekking sebaiknya tetap semangat karena di akhir perjalanan trekking anda akan disuguhkan pemandangan yang luar biasa indah.

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